Selling, reopening, repairing and transporting all types of Iranian and foreign safes
Large and spacious tray, fitting place, grill and sausage grill, switch / on / off switch, blade and a new and advanced grid, 700 watt motor, with reverse to evacuate food without having to open Meat grinder, output 1200 gr meat per minute, 230/220 volt and 700 watts, 2 month warranty, 25 months warranty, 10 years after-sales service and parts
Supply of Vacuum Oil Centrifuging Machine & Related Spares for Barapukuria Coal Fired Thermal Power Station, BPDB, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. Supply of Spares for Feed Pump Hydro-Coupler for Barapukuria Power Station, BPDB, Dinajpur. Supply of Transmitter, Switches, etc. for I & C Division of Barapukuria Coal Fired Thermal Power Station, BPDB, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. Supply of Gauge, RTD, Thermocouple, etc. for I & C Division of Barapukuria Coal Fired Thermal Power Station, BP ...