Product Description
Manufacture of bricks is generally a good business. a successful brick manufacturing business has three main items:
1. the correct type of clay soil should be available in quantities required .
2. a good production factory consisting of good quality robust machinery and an energy efficient drying and firing process.
3- a good market for the products. Besides the above sound technical and managerial ability to manage the production process is essential. after sales support for the machinery is another asset .
hamgam provides full support and back up to all its customers and HAMGAM SANAT experts will assist a discerning
customer in ensuring that he selects the right place for his/her factory. they will also assist in the initial management of the unit . training of personal in running the factory and maintaining the machinery is another factor that a customer can depend on. the HAMGAM SANAT TEAM will respond to initial enquiries and after sale requests with equal