Iranian Galbanum resin is a brand in the international markets, especially in France; in such a way that gum resin processing companies, pharmaceutical companies, jewelry companies, and those active in perfume fields are willing to pay a high price for it.
In recent years, Galbanum has found a special place in medical science. For example, the high antibacterial activity of the oil contained in the Galbanum plant has been proven on all bacteria except Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
The following countries can be mentioned among the most enthusiastic export markets of Iranian Galbanum resin:
Emirates (intermediary in export)
France (one of the main buyers of Iranian Galbanum resin)
India (intermediary in export)
Note: The "Christian Dior SE" company, which is one of the prominent producers of perfumes and cosmetics in the world, is one of the main buyers of Iranian Galbanum resin.
Why do big perfume companies in France use Iranian Galbanum resin?
Because these comp