Azin Teb Salamat Razi Company, with the help of the Almighty Lord, started its activity in the field of medical equipment production in the fall of 2017, with the use of expert personnel and modern equipment, with the aim of producing all kinds of orthopedic implants and externals in the space of 1000 meters in Tos Industrial Town of Mashhad. One of the characteristics of this collection is the use of young workers, educated at the levels of technical technicians, experts, senior experts in the fields of mechanics, biomechanics, industries, and electricity. The raw materials are procured from reputable factories. that the type and quality of these materials are carefully controlled before use.
The design of the company's products is completely consistent with well-known and well-known brands, however, expert doctors' opinions are always used and in necessary cases Optimization is done by using automatic devices in the production of parts, the result of which is to achieve an increase in speed along with high quality and dimensional accuracy in all the parts produced by the company.