Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate
⠀Other names: Disodium Pyrophosphate, Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate and Disodium Di Hydrogen Di Phosphate
We are the only manufacturer of Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) in Iran, and one of the few producers in the whole world.
Cicerone Chemi Co. manufacturs SAPP in 5 grades with the highest quality.
This compound is most widely used in the production of baking powder as bread and flour improving agent.
It is also applied as a buffer, emulsifier and decomposer in such industries as conserved (sea and meat) products and dairy as well as the production of chips.
⠀This product was for the first time produced by the founder of this company in Iran in five different grades and it was offered to the market with the highest quality matching with that of the German samples. The technical knowledge of grading pyrophosphate only exists in advanced industrial countries and even China lacks such a technology. It is worth mentioning that the laboratory of this comp
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