النماذج التجارية:
الشركة المصنعة
صناعة أو عمل تجاري :
المواد الكيميائية
إجمالي عدد الموظفين:
من 51 إلى 100 شخص
تاريخ التأسيس:
Having more than 24 years of experience in this industry, Navid Noor Polymer Company has grown to the greatest and leading manufacturer and exporter of petroleum jelly, paraffin oil, praffin wax, cable jelly and related products. We export our products to different part of the world from Est to west. Navid Noor Polymer Company is also well know for the supports provides for those who are suffering from a kind of blood disease named Hemophilia. To read more please check us on www.navidnoor.ir